December 2023

Diamond Cutting By Laser of Advantages and Technical Insights
Laser-cutting technology has revolutionized diamond processing, offering a groundbreaking solution to the constraints faced by conventional cutting methods. Challenges such as limited precision, material wastage, and the inability to meet custom design demands have directly impacted industry growth and product quality. With its unique advantages and adaptability, laser cutting is a technological catalyst, ushering in […]
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Diamonds Processing by Laser : Paving the Way for Future Innovations
As science and technology progress, the cultivation of diamonds has evolved, giving rise to two main categories: CVD diamonds and HPHT diamonds. In this exploration, we focus on understanding the significance of CVD diamond processing. The Essence of CVD Diamonds CVD diamonds, short for “Chemical Vapor Deposition,” represent a groundbreaking method in synthetic diamonds. This […]
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Laser Cutting Cardiovascular Stent
Enter laser-cutting machines, a technological marvel that has become a driving force in the medical device industry. The cardiovascular stent, a crucial component in treating blocked veins or arteries post-angioplasty, demands meticulous precision and a pollution-free composition. Traditional processing methods often need to improve environmental sustainability and the structural integrity required for a smooth, burr-free […]
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